How has your life changed in the last year?
Take a moment to reflect :)
I wanted to share with you all my reflection of the last year, with
having the intention to make a huge change in my life and stop making
I awoke this morning, thinking about where I was exactly a year ago ...
and what I was like. Wow. I have come so far.
Physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, Spiritually ... I have changed
I am more confident in who I am.
I more fully express my uniqueness without embarrassment or need for apology.
I trust my own inner guidance so much more.
I listen to others more deeply.
I enjoy making love more than I do just having sex.
I'm more proud of my sexuality and realize it as a powerful gift of healing and human connection and expression.
I'm more intuitive.
I take time to connect with nature regularly.
I took a huge career jump, not knowing what was going to happen! Only that my heart was calling me to go there, and it's turning out great!
I took my career into my own hands
I'm my own boss
I take responsibility for my own moods and thoughts, and my life.
I am facing my fears and realizing that hope and faith go a long way.
I realize more and more, my connection to all things.
Decalcified my pineal gland.
Rid my body of fluoride, chlorine & bromine! Thank you LUGOL'S iodine!
Fell in Love with such an amazing man Brad Daniels.
Stepped wayyyy outside my comfort zone and sold my car, bought an RV and am traveling the country with Brad!
I judge people and life situations much less than before and observe more.
I lost 15 pounds of excess weight!
Have a new baby parrot named Bobby G. (Brad, Bobby & I are such a cute little family)
And there is so much more life changing experiences that I can't think of right now
I am thankful for every day!
I encourage you to spend more time getting to
know YOU. Who are you?? What are your wants? Your desires? What do you
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