Saturday, December 13, 2014

Yosemite National Park

My favorite place in the whole wide world!


If you have the opportunity to go their it is a must!

What am i talking about?? Just MAKE IT HAPPEN!

I suggest that you go camping there and sleep under the stars, they are truly amazing and the dreams you will have will blow your mind! It is really something else to sleep under the stars out in this place.

The mountains, the waterfalls, the trees, the Wildlife - It is truly unique!

Get there!

Starting over after losing everything in 2011

When i first moved back from Chile

Gerson Therapy :)

Gerson Therapy

Friday, December 12, 2014


I understand now. To hear of it is one thing, but to experience it first hand, you know it as truth :)
I realized that Christ Consciousness is not an individual being. It IS the universal mind itself.
I found that when I surrendered the illusion of the surface area of my own body, and trusted the universe completely… a wave of connectedness to my surroundings swept over my body. A large scale detailed graph of energy that had many kinds of layers to it. And this, I realized is more of who I am. That I am not limited to only experiencing my human body as myself. And that we are all equally this field of consciousness, just as much as we are the single point of awareness.



am so thankful for existence of all life. How amazing it is to be alive. That fact that we are even here is amazing. I used to complain about stuff.. now I just think about how it’s a miracle that creation even is!!! I mean WOW! We are HERE!
Even when I’m having a “bad day”, I would much rather be LIVING a bad day, than not exist at all.
And life is sooooo much grander than we can comprehend with our human minds. Wow, I am discovering what can happen when we let go of our egoic mind in a meditative state… the universe begins to reveal itself to you. No joke! When our minds are running the show, we can’t see anything else.
Going within has been such an exciting time of discovery for me. Man, I wish the whole world knew this :)

It's been here all along

I asked God how I can be more intuitive.
God replied THROUGH my conscience “through your conscience… just start here…”
So I did. 3 days ago. And amazing things are happening. I didn’t realize just how much I actually ignore my conscience.
It is our higher self, always with us, every step of this moment.
There were so many things I noticed today that my conscience told me to act on, and though I did, it was things I normally would have just ignored and moved on with my day.
This IS a huge part of awakening. Guidance has been there all along, patiently and unconditionally holding my hand along the way. No matter how many times I look away - it is always here. I feel so connected. Much more than before.
All of us have the ability to be more intuitive. So simply all along.
It’s not some humanized God up in the clouds…
It’s not some greater power outside of ourselves…
All along, it has been inside :)

A new appreciation

Something has changed in me. I view food so differently than before. I used to chomp down food, with out much thought. Just chomping it down, almost as if it were owed to me. As if it belonged to me, and therefore I didn’t need to be thankful for it.
Today, I sliced open the delicate skin of a fresh papaya. It’s soft pink flesh with all of it’s intricate aspects of it’s body… it was created slowly over time, to form such a perfect structure of life. And as I scooped into it’s flesh, and placed it into my mouth, I felt this is a gift. A gift from nature. A gift of beauty in the form of aroma, taste and texture. A gift of high vibration. A gift of potential energy that, regardless of my thankfulness or not- is going to break itself apart into very small molecular units that will arrange itself in my body in a way that it nurtures my me… and BECOMES my body.. a part of me. To benefit and heal me.
None other than a precious gift of creation, to creation. LOVE.