Friday, December 12, 2014

Shining like the sun

I realized several months ago that I hold way more tension within my body than I ever knew. I learned that creating tension or resistance (same thing) is the exact same thing as stress.. the exact same thing as not allowing love to flow through myself.
I realized recently that the nature of my being wants to shine like a sun… because I am made of love. And love has no boundaries or limitations. It flows in every direction in harmony.
The more I trust life, the more I feel it is safe to let go of tension, allowing love to flow through me… allowing me to be my natural self with natural expression (how ever that may be).
I realized that when I trust life, life works for me. It brings me gifts. And it has now become a continuing cycle of more walls being let down… ego dissolving more and more… and trusting and trusting life more and more.
It is not some magical “luck” that has happened to me. It is that I am beginning to understand the natural laws of the universe. (it starts with meditation) And it is exciting. It is an experience of living life of my highest joy at any given moment, and of becoming child like again!
Of knowing that I have so many gifts to give this world and I can use them to make this world a better place.
I think subconsciously, I have been afraid of my own potential power. I am allowing myself little by little.. more and more each day, to let myself shine my light through every part of my body -with out resistance! - to be who I really am. And allow life to be abundant and fun and adventurous.
I’m going to go online after I post this message, and buy a necklace of a sun… so I may wear it hanging from my chest, everyday, to never let me forget to allow my myself to shine.



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